Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday already?

How on earth did Wednesday come around so fast?!

Well, it’s Wednesday again and one week since I last posted so that means I’m due, again. I knew setting myself a required time frame in public for posts was a good (and bad!) idea.

Driving home I was debating what I was going to write about, what I could write about. My weeks are crazy these days. A lot is happening but not a lot is necessarily worth telling. It is three weeks before our public exam students go on study leave before writing their international Cambridge exams and that means lots of extra marking of revision papers and essays. My favourite. (I always thought people made too big a deal about the woes and horror of English marking… they don’t). Plus, my part time assistant position in the Careers Department just became full time when the Careers counsellor had to unexpectedly take sick leave and ‘tis the season of university applications – ho ho ho. I’m giving my ESL students their oral (Cambridge!) exam tomorrow and not sure if either they or I am actually prepared for it. And on top of that I’m trying to still be a partly decent teacher to my non-exam/non-university-applying students – one of whom is a student newly arrived from China so totally lost in computers and Geo and Physics (but acing her Maths and keeping that teacher on her toes). Incidentally, ever wonder who the bright spark was who decided you go “up” and “down” a valley when you don’t mean “up” or “down” at all? When I tried to explain this to Susan, she looked at me in bewilderment, “But why?!” But why indeed.

So as I was contemplating all this and wondering where to start if I were to write about something and where I would get the energy after preparing for my oral, marking AS language papers, reading Chapter 8-10 of Pride and Prejudice, and making a priority list for University applications, it started to rain. And then, it started to really rain.

Huge drops hit the roof of my old truck (the one Jed thinks is his old truck) like bullets, making so much noise Ange had to shout her exclamations of amazement (though she's 13 and full of the dramatic so, no doubt, she did this for effect, too). Suddenly it was hard to see and the hard drops turned to hail, pelting us. It was hard to see. Cars slowed and put on their blinkers, “I’m here; I’m not going to stop like I should but please don’t hit me”. I put my blinkers on, too. In the space of a few minutes there were floods of water pouring down the road littered by the rubbish people had piled up outside along the road (we don't have a reliable garbage pick up so people create their own mini dumps all over). We made it home and ten minutes later it was over. Just a torrential rush of water and sound and movement and then, nothing.

I love this place.


  1. holy cow beks! flash flood anyone? hehe. so jed "thinks" he owns your truck eh? haha. sounds like stuff is pretty busy! fun fun fun hehe..

  2. Yes, you can tell he doesn't read this blog because he would have something strong to say about that! :)
