Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Dear student, as you leave this place" 2013

A poem for this year's Upper 6 leavers.

Dear student, as you leave this place

Allow me to send
you off
with some thoughts,
hopes, and dreams,
I have for you.
I have seen
and heard
and felt
your pain, your joy.
You have brought me
tears and laughter.

From the depths of where you have come from
what you have known
May you know
now and always
that within you
is power--
power to determine, to choose
who you will be
who you will let others be

Be peace
Be strength
Be grace
Be love
And let others be
peace  --  strength  --  grace  --   love.

I hope
as you go out into the
big wide
that you, dear student,
never forget the
power of words
to determine
to determine

Do not let
anyone use this power over you
-without your permission-

I hope that words will
move and inspire
to be more
than you ever thought possible

I hope you use words to
move and inspire
someone else
to be more
than they ever thought possible.
I dream for you
the best that I have seen in you.

May you find
the good
the truth
in others, in yourself,
in this place.

And when you do, dear student,
Hold fast!

May you know
everywhere you go



Miss Bell, October 2013

Dear lower-going-on-upper 2013

Written a few weeks ago for a very, unusually special Lower-6 (Junior/Grade 12) class.

Dear lower-going-on-upper

I’ll have you know
I only write poetry when I
about something
a lot.
But I do-
about you.
So, here it is.

I cherish the privilege of
standing in front of you.
I’m grateful each time
you let me glimpse
the reality of your world.
I understand the honour of that gift
and hold it with two hands
in awe.

When I think of you
I have so much hope,
dear lower-going-on-upper sixes
You can be so much
do so much
--dare I hope it—
change so much.

I hope, too,
the light never leaves your eyes
            or your heart
Don’t let anyone
            no matter how nice
            or mean
Take it from you.

I hope, too,
you remember
how you felt
and out there
and that you protect
the best in yourself and
in those yours to protect.

Outside will try to take
your joy
your love
your humanity --
Hold tight,
dear lower-going-on-upper.
Hold for dear life
Refuse to let go--

Sing, love, give,
in the rain.

Miss Bell, October 2013