Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A whirlwind of new things

I'm going to add "arriving back in the country, moving in to a new flat and beginning a new position and starting to teach new classes within one week" to my list of excuses for the lack of a weekly blog post. Things have been busy, my apologies.

I have moved on campus and am the new Housemistress for Angwa house, the boarding house for Form Ones (Grade 8s). Fortunately, I have the most amazing mother who cleaned and packed and made sure my flat was ready for me to move in with the least amount of stress possible - including coping with a red polish disaster on the floors - and I am now in, living amongst a few boxes, but in.

It has been a week of new things: a new flat, a new position, new students, new classes, new ideas, new stresses, new worries, new hopes. I haven't had a lot of time to think through it all. I'm learning each day new things my job as housemistress involves (a bit more complicated than just enforcing bed times and mopping up homesick tears), trying to tweak old syllabi and get to know new students (both those living with me and those in my classes), figuring out what extra (extra?!) activities I can commit to, and madly trying to prepare new texts before the L6s arrive back at school next week. And, right, I occasionally teach in the spaces between.

So far, though, new is good. I'm excited for this new year of new people and new jobs. I hope I will have time to sit and think and write about some of them as they become comfortingly old and familiar.


  1. I am confident that they'll LOVE you!

  2. So many new exciting things beks!! yay! I'm sure you'll be the best housemistress ever! I mean you totally had the RA thing down :)
