Last term, I gave my form
three's a spoken word assignment: have a go at writing a performance poem and
share it with us. In a moment of foolish courage I told them I would also write
one and share it with them. I should do this more often: it was hard! The
following poem is what I came up with and shared with them. Entering into the fear
of sharing personal writing outloud with a group of teenagers was a good
exercise and made me even more proud of each of them.
A week ago, I returned to the
place that certified me to teach and that introduced me to some of the people
who have contributed to the teacher I have become and am becoming. As this trip
back to the beginning has forced me to reflect on where I've come, this poem
has become more and more important to me, one that sums up my current
philosophy of education more succinctly than the paper I wrote in Educ 398 ever
did, and I've been reminded of how much I owe to people in my past and present.
I cannot name and speak adequately to them all here - perhaps that will be a
future post, but, after a wonderful coffee with one of my student teaching
advisors and Eng 101 professor, I remembered, yet again, another professor who
I am not able to catch up over coffee with, and whom I owe so much. Mr Bill
Vande Kopple taught me so much about teaching and English, but the most important
and most enduring lesson he taught me was to love students: to believe in them,
to try to see their world through their eyes, to be on their side. I could
never put words to what this lesson means to me.
I am deeply sad that he is no
longer here. I wish I could have had coffee with him this week and told him
about my students and the teacher I am today, about this journey that I am on
that is so exciting and terrifying, breath-taking and beautiful. And how integral
of a part he played in it.
Our Story
Did you know that
when you step through that
Timid and shy
Trying to sink into the floor
that stubbornly refused to open
To creep under your
invisibility cloak that's run out of battery
or bold and dubious
Ready to do battle, armour
Your arsenal of eye rolling
and stubborn silences at the ready
Wide-eyed and
wary of all things new and
adult... like me
When you stepped in
You stepped into my story.
And I stepped into yours.
(Don't look at me like that -
I can't help it
I didn't ask for you to be
Blame Miss Grinley.)
but here you are
and here I am.
I'm in your story and you're
in mine.
It's a story of drama:
Of prefects who give 5 page
on the gravitational pull of
the earth
in French
oh shoot, yesterday!
Of little brothers who jump
up and down
on your head
in the middle of the night,
Of friends who oh my word did
you hear what she said to her when she was in the bathroom about what she said
last week on the way to talk to her?
It's a story of romance:
Of boys with beautiful smiles
Of heaven on earth crushes
and end of the world break
It's a story of horror:
Of mishaps in Chemistry
and mouths hit by hockey
balls full of blood
Of dragon teachers
with voices and mannerisms
you can imitate like hollywood pros
A story full of comedy:
Suck your cheeks in and try
not to laugh comedy
Sit down and cry comedy
Of lunch spilt on laps
And embarrassing moments in
My story has drama too:
"Wait, what period is
and, "She said what about my teaching?"
And comedy:
"Miss Bell, you already
did this lesson."
and "Oh shoot, this is
not my classroom... these are not my students!"
And even a little horror
"I gave them how much
"You want me to teach
And maybe a little romance...
okay, there's no romance.
Multiple plot threads
all pulled through that door
when you walked in.
How will we ever find a
I think
if you come out from under
your invisibility cloak
and put down your weapons
If I let go of my need to
stories and life
I think
I hope
I dream
we can write a beautiful
We can weave a tale so
beautiful and glorious
that no one out there will
believe that it happened.
A story where we create a new
A place that is safe enough
to make
safe enough to love
A place where brave heroines
fight bullies
and bullies dissolve into...
ordinary kids
where secret dreams can be
let out
dancing across the room like
and kept, safe, in gently
cupped hands
where we can learn what it
means to be
each other
someone else
where women win epic battles
with powerful words
that heal
where the dragon can be slain
with a rolling laugh
and magic wands turn tears
into diamonds that we wear with pride on our necks and fingers
like badges of great honour
where you can speak up and be
when you want
where the layers can be shed
and you can be Anyone
or just you
For a brief 40 minutes
For 40 minutes
we can dream another world
Because you stepped through
that door.
February, 2015