It has been a long time since I’ve posted. One
reason is a crazy December of travelling and wedding preparations. Another is,
the longer you leave writing, the harder to go back. The third is that I
haven’t really been able to come up with a good way to put my thoughts about
this very special time of two very important weddings into words. I still don’t
think I've found the best way but in this time of change (the giving away and
releasing – even though they were not really mine to give away or release I
very much did so – of one very dear high school best friend and one very dear
younger brother) I've learnt some important things about weddings that I’d like
to remember for the future and remind myself of if I ever walk down an aisle.
What is important for a wedding:
to be surrounded and
supported (for months in advance) by family and people you love and love you
plenty of family
involvement, but not too much.
to make meaningful moments
of the snatches of time with those who matter most.
remembering who’s day it is
(not who you would imagine all the time).
good singing.
just enough tradition to
please people, but not enough to get in the way.
a couple of surprises.
celebration (how it happens
is not important).
the blessing and grace of a
Father who gives the presence of a Spirit who spreads a joy that cannot be
planned, paid for or coordinated.
actually, everything else is really not that important.
S & A,
J & B:
may the
love of those who
love you
surround and support you;
may the
meaningful moments,
never end.
may the
blessing and grace
from a
felt in a
such tangible way
by so many
on your
special day continue to breathe
joy into
your every moment.
may His
Joyful Presence